New home for Myall University of the Third Age officially opened

Myall U3A members gathered to celebrate the official opening of their new home in Hawks Nest.

THE MYALL University of the Third Age (MU3A) opened its new home in Hawks Nest amidst fanfare and celebrations on Friday 14 March.

After a multi-year wait, MU3A took over exclusive use of the new building annex at the Hawks Nest Community Hall.

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It now features more space, a dedicated lecture room, improved access, upgraded technology and redesigned parking.

“Federal funding of $330,000 was gained through the former Coalition Government under the Community Development Grant Program and the Commonwealth Bushfire Disaster Recovery Fund to deliver the project,” outgoing Federal Lyne MP David Gillespie said.

The new building sits atop the site of the “Old Library”, a demountable classroom that opened in December 1970 and served as the home of the MU3A for many years.

Population growth and a desperate need to modernise, led to its demolition a few years ago.

Other community groups around Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest offered space to the MU3A, and President Roger Digby thanked them for allowing the group to grow in numbers.

It now has close to 300 members, dozens of whom attended the opening.

Represented were the Writers Club, Big Ideas presenters, the Music Group, and more.

The MU3A Art Group will continue to use the Tea Gardens Baptist Hall, as it has proven to be more appropriate to their needs.

“I respect the concept of the ‘Third Age’,” official guest Cr Thomas O’Keefe said.

“The first was childhood, which none of us appreciated at the time, the second was ‘adulthood’, laden with responsibilities and work, but the third age is the one that you can truly enjoy.”

The official opening ended with Cr O’Keefe ringing the special bell reserved for the start of classes, followed by a tour of the facility for the special guests, then refreshments and an “open house”.

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