Nelson Bay High rise threatens good works – Opinion



Dear News Of The Area,

NELSON Bay is finally getting some action – both from Council – the Yacaaba St extension, support for the recent volunteer clean-up and an exciting new public domain plan – and from the private sector with recent approvals for two modest sized apartment buildings (3 and 6 storeys) and townhouses.

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But if Council approves a new DA for a 10 storey apartment building on the temporary car site at Yacaaba and Donald Sts, all this good work will be wasted.

Tower blocks of this height are not only double the current height limit but are completely out of character for Nelson Bay, as the community keeps saying loud and clear.

In 2017, Council inexplicably approved a similar height tower block on Church St, and yet the crane sits idle a year later. If Council continues to allow such buildings, either on the Yacaaba St site or elsewhere in the town, it will at best only bring more holiday apartments empty for most of the year, and not the permanent residents that we all want to see, but who want a different style and scale of housing. Towers will also block existing views, overshadow large areas and compound the parking problem.

All those who care about the future of our town, and who are getting behind all the good things that are finally starting to happen, need to object to this DA.

Nigel Waters
Nelson Bay

2 thoughts on “Nelson Bay High rise threatens good works – Opinion

  1. The current council led by Ryan Palmer is proving to be very disappointing. Ryan seems to think that in allowing residents and ratepayers to make comment, he is then free to take no notice of that comment. Ryan needs to research the definition of “consultation”.

  2. Totally agree Nigel. Extremely frustrating that a Council representing us does not listen to us. Swayed by uncaring money hungry developers. High rise like this cannot be undone.

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