Nelson Bay Golf Club to host charity golf day for Legacy

The Legacy Golf Day will be held at the Nelson Bay course.

LEGACY will be holding its annual charity golf day at Nelson Bay Golf Club on Monday 3 March, from 08.30am.

Legatee Barbara Williams AO said, “Fundraising is a major concern as the cost of support is continually increasing.

“However, Legacy has been very fortunate to have secured the support of several major sponsors for this upcoming Golf Day”.

First National will be this year’s Gold Sponsor, Blooms Chemist are Silver and The Blackmore Family Foundation will be Bronze.

In addition, there are prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive and Port Stephens Toyota are sponsoring the Hole in One, with the ultimate prize of a brand new vehicle.

“There will also be a raffle with over 20 prizes and an auction with terrific prizes.”

Legacy is a unique Australian organisation, dedicated to caring for the families of deceased or seriously injured veterans.

Affectionately known as “Australia’s largest family”, Legacy was founded in 1923 by World War 1 veterans who took up a ‘legacy of care’ for the welfare of their deceased mates’ families.

The charity currently looks after over 48,000 partners and children of veterans, including from the recent conflicts in the Middle East.

Enquiries about the Charity Golf Day can be directed to Stephanie Dale at on 0418 460 658.

By Simon EKINS

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