Nelson Bay Golf Club

NELSON Bay Golf Club result roundup 17 July – 23 July 2022.

Sunday 17 July:

Men’s Stableford Brush:

Nearest the Pin: Bob Kew (16) 34 c/b, Dudley Herbert (22) 34 c/b, Steve Punshon (29) 34.

Ladies Stableford Brush:

Nearest the Pin: Marg Reimer (29) 35 c/b, Fran Giudes (16) 35

Monday 18 July:

Men’s Veterans Stableford:

division 1: Grant Kennett (22), Rob Butler (22); division 2: Brian Stewart (26), William Salter (25).

Wednesday 20 July:

Men’s Stableford Brushbox Course: A Grade: Wayne Cleaver (13) 35, Greg Bezuidenhout (13) 34c/b; B Grade:
Michael Hoare (16) 40, Neil Russell (16) 36; C Grade: John Delaney (29) 35, Phil Walker (27) 34.

Men’s Stableford Gymea Course: A Grade: Pk Kennedy (14) 37, Ray Wright (12) 35c/b; B Grade: Chris Hani (21) 40, Brett Fraser (17) 39; C Grade: Craig Dews (24) 38, Ron Gabb (34) 37.

Thursday 21 July:

Men’s Stableford Brush Course: Ray Whitehouse (14) 36, Steven Brown (10) 34, John Townsend (25) 32

Women’s Stableford: A Grade: Dianne Moon (24) 35, Pat Harrold (33) 32 C/B; B Grade: Jean O’Reilly (37) 34, Annette Rumble (35) 32 C/B

Men’s Veterans Stableford: Stuart Manely 21, Tony Johnston 20.

Friday 22 July:

Men’s Stableford Gymea Course: A Grade: Mitchell Metcalfe (8) 34c/b, Chris Mawson (13) 34; B Grade: Bob Kew (17) 38, Robert Paul (22) 37; C Grade: John Delaney (30) 39c/b; Frank Vandruten (27) 39.

Women’s Stableford: division 1: Robyn Butler (17) 36, Nicola Bethwaite (26) 34 c/b.

Saturday 23 July

Men’s Stableford Brush Courses: A Grade: Thomas Hammond (15) 39, Peter Gibson (5) 37. B Grade: Peter Jackson (22) 41, Nev Stanfield (18) 38, C Grade: Peter Lakeman (28) 37, Shanyha Liyanage (29) 35 c/b

Men’s Stableford 4Th Rd Handiskins: A Grade: Chris Baldwin (15) 38, Jason Gascoigne (12) 37 c/b, B Grade: Keith Bryars (19) 39, Dave Flatt (20) 38, C Grade: Craig Mather (24) 33 c/b Yuri Suska (26) 33.

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