Nelson Bay Croquet Club First Aid Ready

NBCC first aid candidates at Tomaree Community College
Left to Right: Peter Gordon, Kay Smith, Sandy Tawa, Cheryl Lloyd, Liz Friend, Karen Lilly.


LIKE many sporting clubs in NSW, Nelson Bay Croquet Club took advantage of the NSW State Government’s Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program which enabled the Club to purchase and instal an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in 2019.

The installation of the defibrillator was accompanied by training in the use of the AED and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

While understanding how important this was in meeting the Club’s duty of care to members, the then Management Committee decided that the CPR training should be complemented by more general first aid training such that members could be assured of assistance in the event of other medical issues and accidents while playing croquet at the Nelson Bay courts.

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With assistance from a Federal Government Volunteer Grant, the Club is providing certified first aid training to 15 members of the Management Committee, Day Captains and coaches.

The first aid course offered by Tomaree Community College comprises an online learning component which is followed by a one day, face-to-face practical session. Both components require 100% pass rate before certification is approved.

The members who have completed the training to date are: Rob Batho, Trevor Black, Liz Friend, Peter Gordon, Karen Lilly, Cheryl Lloyd, Jan Puckeridge, Kay Smith, Sandy Tawa, Susan Timbs and David Wilson.

Further information about Nelson Bay Croquet Club is available at




Trevor Black and Peter Gordon at practical training.


Kay Smith and Liz. Friend at practical training.

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