Nelson Bay Artisan Collective’s alcove of featured artists

Peter Simmons and Belinda Dorey with some of their artworks, currently showing in The Alcove at The Artisan Collective.

LOCATED opposite the bustling boat terminals at D’Albora Marina in Nelson Bay is a quiet sanctuary of art, sculpture, expression and visual collaboration called the Artisan Collection.

Each month, a dedicated space within the gallery, aptly named “The Alcove”, hosts a different exhibition.

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February’s showcase artists were Belinda Dorey and Peter Simmons.

Peter is a surfer, sculptor and illustrator who uses a technique called pyrography (woodburning).

He also creates stone sculptures and stunning artworks using pen.

He describes himself as “an artist that loves the natural world”, reflecting this in his artworks.

Peter has a background in plant and wildlife illustration and started in sculpture in the late 90’s.

“I’ve always been interested in art from an early age but over the years I’ve let life interfere with it,” he said.

After leaving the Navy and sailing into retirement, he became reacquainted with his pencils and pens, and has attacked his artistic expressionism “with a vengeance.”

He has exhibited in parts of the Hunter, Newcastle, Sydney and Thredbo.

Belinda Dorey is an artist based in Newcastle who showcases her love of water.

“My passion to capture the reverence of the ocean and local coastal views is reflected by my many years in and near the water, having had a childhood immersed in nature, and living on Kangaroo Island over two decades,” she said.

“Water is one of my favourite subjects and a continuous thread in my work.”

Belinda often works en plein air (outdoors) and continues to develop her pieces in the studio.

Her preferred mediums are oils and pastels.

The Artisan Collective is open every day with an artist on duty.


Peter Simmons and Belinda Dorey with some of their artworks, currently showing in The Alcove at The Artisan Collective.

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