National Celebration Day Awards 2024 open for nominations

2021 Nambucca Valley Citizen of the Year, Rod Edwards, and Nambucca Valley’s 2022 Australia Day Ambassador, MS Susie Elelman AM, congratulate the 2023 Nambucca Valley Citizen of the Year, Mr Dave Banks.

THE Chairperson of Council’s National Celebration Day Committee, Mayor Rhonda Hoban OAM, stated this week that the committee is inviting nominations for Nambucca Valley Council’s National Celebration Day Awards which will be presented at a ceremony on the evening of 25 January 2024.

Mayor Hoban invites residents to nominate persons considered worthy of recognition in terms of achievement and effort, particularly in regard to 2023.

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Nomination forms providing criteria for each section are available from:
· Nambucca Heads and Macksville Libraries
· Council’s Administration Centre, 44 Princess Street Macksville
· Council’s website –

The closing date for nominations is Friday 15 December 2023 and nominations should be completed on-line on Council’s website or sent to the General Manager, Nambucca Valley Council PO Box 177 Macksville 2447 or emailed to

Mayor Hoban pointed out that National Celebration Day is a great opportunity for the community to recognise and honour residents and sportspersons of all ages who have achieved success in their endeavours.

“An Environmental category has been added, recognising significant volunteer contributions to preserve and enhance the environment within the Nambucca Valley,” Mayor Hoban said.

“If you know of a person, organisation or team that has made an outstanding contribution to the community over the past twelve months, please nominate them for an Award under one or more of the following categories.”

– Citizen of the Year
– Senior Citizen of the Year
– Young Citizen of the Year
– Indigenous Citizen of the Year
– Young Indigenous Citizen of the Year
– Services to the Community Award
– Good Neighbour
– Cultural Achievement
– Environmental Award

Sports Achievement Awards:
– Junior Sports Person
– Senior Sports Person
– Junior Sports Team
– Senior Sports Team

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