National Cartoon Gallery to reopen with motor museum

Board Vice President Margaret Cameron is excited for the future for the Bunker Cartoon Gallery.

THE future of the Bunker Cartoon Gallery is being driven by a focus on building the venue as a dedicated tourism destination.

With a new Board elected at its Extraordinary General Meeting on 26 May, it was announced that a newly created motor vehicle focus will drive the evolution of the beleaguered but beloved local gallery.

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The Vice president of the Board, Margaret Cameron told News Of The Area, “Our strategy is to amplify the existing unique Gallery into a bigger and better tourist attraction for the Coffs Coast.

“We are very pleased to announce that we are heading towards a reopening of the gallery in the near future, when it will take on a whole new look with the addition of the National Holden Motor Museum in the first-floor gallery,” she said.

“With the inclusion of Geoff King’s personal collection of historic Holden motor vehicles, together with his acquisition of the trading name ‘National Holden Motor Museum’, a wealth of early Holden memorabilia and a great deal of enthusiasm, we will be adding this great attraction to the Gallery.

“This venture is supported by an enthusiastic and generous group of locals, who will ensure that early funding is available whilst we rebuild a dedicated tourist attendance.

“This activity will put the ‘car’ into cartoon in a way that has not been done before and is guaranteed to be a winner with the bunker downstairs remaining as the cartoon gallery and upstairs a whole new look,” said Margaret.

The Board intends to re-open the gallery in its expanded format in the first week of August 2024.

The new Board members are President Graham Lockett, Vice president Margaret Cameron, Treasurer Lyn Matthews, Secretary Brian Leiper, Fundraising (corporate) Geoff King, Tourism Liaison Dahna Knight and Cartoonist Liaison Steve Panozzo.


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