Narranga Public School year 6 students celebrate the end of an era

Narranga Public School students celebrating finishing year 6 with a spectacular dance show.

YEAR 6 Students at Narranga Public School celebrated the end of an era as they performed a spectacular dance show in front of the school and parents.

With the transition from Primary School to High School a pivotal moment in a student’s education, Year 6 teacher Jessica Wilson shared the build-up to the event.

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“They started rehearsing around two or three months ago and they choreographed their own small group performances themselves and we only started the finale probably around three weeks ago,” she said.

“They have just embraced the entire opportunity and I think their effort and their love and their team work together has just been a highlight.”

The dance show brought mixed emotions from students, parents and teachers as they said a fond farewell to Primary School and prepared to enrol in High School for 2023.

“It’s extremely emotional for them and very emotional for the teachers and parents,” said Miss Wilson.

“There were many of us shedding a tear throughout the whole performance, just the pride and just really impressed with the young adults they’ve become.”

The magic of Miss Wilson may have inspired some of the dancers to perform more often.

“You never know, I think we have found some hidden talent behind some of them.

“I would love it if they kept dancing because they were fantastic, awesome!” she concluded.


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