Nambucca Womens Bowling Club

Kim Porter, the Women’s Club Player of the Year.

JULY / Aug article NWBC

The busy schedule continues at NBC

Last week most of our women’s bowling ladies enjoyed a beautiful lunch by The Greens Bistro in the club Functions Room, followed by our 2023 Presentation Day. The honours were shared between our most experienced players, a group who have played for 5-6 years, and our newest bowler Deb as well.

The champions for the year were Singles- Manor Smith; Fours- Joan Haigh, Marg Duffus, Michelle Fredericks and Gloria Richardson; Triples- Teresa Meehan, Sandra Seckold & Kim Porter; Pairs- Nerida Blackford & Pat Fletcher; Minor Singles- Rosemary Dugdale; Major/Minor Pairs- Chris Davis & Kim Porter; Consistency Singles- Manor Smith & Restricted Singles- Rosemary Dugdale.

Using a points system, Kim Porter was named our Women’s Club Player of the Year- congratulations Kim.

Many of our ladies are ready for our pennants season to begin. We will be represented in Grades 2 and 3 this year. Matches start with home games at Nambucca on Tuesday and Thursday.

Last week we played our Pennants teams against their grade partners. The results were- Grade 3 – E. Brown, M. Duffus, T. Meehan & D. Mann def T. Ryan, A. Reid, R. Dugdale & K. Dale 16-15; and the Grade 2- K. Porter, K. Liddell, N. Blackford & P. Fletcher def G. Richardson, M. Montgomery, S. Seckold & E. Fleming 23-13. Good luck to our teams for the upcoming competition.


Winners and runners up for 2023.

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