Nambucca woman celebrates 40 years with VIEW Club


CYNTHIA Guyenette, the current President of Nambucca River VIEW Club recently received her 40 years membership badge.

VIEW Clubs (Voice, Interests and Education of Women) welcome women of all ages and backgrounds and are major supporters of The Smith Family’s Learning for Life programs.

In 1981, Cynthia was a 33 year old full time working mother.

Seeking an outside interest, she joined an evening VIEW Club and began her 40 year VIEW journey.

She quickly became a committee member and served in most positions over the ensuing years.

Serving as Zone Councillor, and then four years as National and Acting National Councillor, Cynthia has experienced VIEW from all levels and met many wonderful and amazing VIEW women whose friendship she cherishes to this day.

Whenever her family moved, she transferred membership to a nearby club, maintaining the fellowship and support she enjoyed with VIEW.

The transition from welfare to a focus on the education of disadvantaged students delighted Cynthia.

The catch-cry “Give them a hand up, not a hand-out” really resonated with her.

“It is very satisfying knowing we are helping disadvantaged Aussie kids with their education via sponsorships so they don’t get left behind or feel different,” she said.

For more information about VIEW, visit or call Cynthia on 0414 234 557.

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