Nambucca Valley U3A open day draws big crowds

Mike Siford signed up Lucinda Grant to the ‘Introduction to Bridge’ course at the U3A Open Day.

THE Nambucca Valley U3A open day at the Nambucca Heads RSL Club on Tuesday drew an impressive crowd of approximately 200 attendees.

Eager seniors explored and signed up for a diverse array of courses including croquet, ballroom dancing, community radio, bridge, meditation, and many more.

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“We felt it was a very successful morning, though it did have its challenges,” U3A’s Helen Scotta told News Of The Area.

“This open day was the first to introduce our new membership computer system, which caused some unexpected delays in the registration process.

“We are extremely grateful for the patience and understanding shown by our members as we navigated these problems.”

The strong attendance highlights the growing interest among seniors in the Nambucca Valley to stay socially and mentally engaged.

“With a small committee of eight dedicated volunteers keeping U3A Nambucca Valley running, we’re always on the lookout for more people to join our team and help sustain this fantastic community group into the future,” Helen added.

Leader of the ‘Five Hundred and Canasta’ course, Paul Burns, told NOTA, “The best thing about joining a U3A course, or even leading one, is the positive interaction with others and you get to learn something new and have fun at the same time.”


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