Nambucca Valley residents to receive koala food trees

Koala food trees will be planted in locations across the Valley which are known or potential koala habitat including Valla, Utungun and Congarinni.

AS PART of grant funding received from the NSW Government under the Save our Species Program, Nambucca Valley Council has been able to source $4,566 for the purchase of koala food tree tube stock for planting by residents.

On Thursday 9 March 2023 the Council commenced the distribution of 2,320 koala food trees to nineteen residents who registered an expression of interest.

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The species to be distributed are primary koala food trees being Swamp Mahogany, Forest Red Gum and Tallowwood.

The trees are to be planted in locations across the Valley which are known or potential koala habitat including Valla, Utungun and Congarinni.

The koala food trees are being provided by the NSW Forestry Corporation Grafton Production Nursery.

The NSW Forestry Corporation is also providing residents with leaflets on planting and enhancing koala habitat and tips on planting Forestry seedlings.

Mayor Rhonda Hoban OAM said she was pleased the Council has been able to make a practical
contribution to the preservation of the koala.

“We know that the koala can live in our rural landscape provided they have sufficient food trees and can avoid the other major threats associated with human settlement besides tree clearing; dog attacks and vehicle strikes.

“I would like to express my appreciation to these residents of our rural area who are helping to support
koala conservation,” added Mayor Hoban.

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