Nambucca Valley Phoenix programs empowering youth through creativity

Creative spaces at Phoenix allow young people to thrive.

YOUNG people are being invited to explore innovative programs for their creative and social development at Nambucca Valley Phoenix in Bowraville.

The community organisation offers a comprehensive program of workshops and classes for young people facilitated by professional staff.

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“Thanks to support from the Office for Regional Youth NSW, Nambucca Valley Phoenix Ltd provides free creative, social, and employment opportunities for young people aged 12-24,” said Phoenix youth coordinator Jack Hodges.

At the heart of the youth initiatives is ‘After Hours Arts’, a term-based program where young people explore artistic disciplines under the guidance of local artists.

The program offers a suite of opportunities ranging across filmmaking, ceramics, printmaking, or digital arts, allowing participants to gain hands-on experience in a supportive environment.

The sessions run Tuesday to Thursday from 3:30-5:30pm, free of charge with snacks provided.

Each term culminates in an exhibition where participants showcase their work.

“Our programs help young people discover their passions, build life skills, and prepare for future careers while fostering social inclusion and community connection,” Jack said.

The highlights of the first term calendar include the ‘Young Stars Performance Troupe’ directed by Hannah Date, collaborating with Kyle Connolly from Digital Arts to delve into film-making.

The craft activities are Ceramics with Shae Aletha, and Printmaking with Marc Renshaw.

These programs foster creativity, confidence, and social connection, particularly benefiting neurodivergent youth and those who may not engage in traditional extracurricular activities.

The ‘Youth Drop-In & Computer Café’ provides a welcoming space for young people to access digital resources, study support, and life skills workshops covering topics like cooking, cyber safety, and mindfulness.

This offering operates alongside ‘After Hours Arts’ aims to ensure that young people develop essential skills for independence.

For older youth, Phoenix provides ‘Work Experience Opportunities’ in arts administration, hospitality, and disability support, equipping participants with valuable workplace experience in an inclusive setting.


Costume design meets performance and digital story-telling.

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