Nambucca Valley Bridge Club News

Birthday girl Colleen Robertson, Robert Baker & Lyndall Edsall with Principal Director Robert Marshall receive their awards.

SATURDAY 14th October 2023.

NEWS: On Saturday this week players celebrated with popular veteran Colleen Robertson who had her ninetieth birthday. Colleen loves her bridge and takes very few prisoners. Promotions were also recognised for Lyndall Edsall, Robert Baker and John Slade.

Monday: 9th. Twenty-four players for a Bye-Relay event. North/South winners with 67 percent, Noreen Cork & Helen Rowsell. Runners-up with 62.9 percent Phil Booth & Rob Marshall. East/West winners with 58.8 percent, Daphne Priestley & Carol McKee. Runners-up with 54.5 percent Barbara Lott & Mike Siford.

Tuesday: 10th. Twelve players for a Howell event. Winners with 61 percent Caitlin McRae & Rob Marshall. Runners-up with 59 percent, Maureen Cowan & Paula Guthrie.

Wednesday: 11th. 16 players for Richard’s improvers session. The emphasis today being keeping track of scores and how opening leads improve your chance of defeating the opponent’s contract.

Thursday: 12th. Twenty players contested an always popular Mitchell event. North/South winners with 58.5 percent Joanna Halioris & Richard levy. Runners-up with 53.5 percent, Susie Keur & Peter Plunkett-Cole. East West winners with 60.5 percent Merita Pailthorpe & Barry Butler. Runners-up with 55.5 percent Colin Tolley & Mike Siford.

Saturday: 14th. Twenty-two players for a Bye-Relay event today won convincingly at North/South by Barbara Lott & Mike Siford with a 61.9 percent score. Runners-up with 60.4 percent, Robert Marshall & Phil Booth. East west winners with 66.2 percent Amber fox & Carol McKee. Runners-up with 58.7 percent, Daphne Priestley & Fern Hinchcliffe.

Urunga: 12th. Good support continues for events at Urunga with six full tables. North/South winners today with 62.5 percent Glen Hallett & Phil Booth. Runners-up with 59 percent Janet Dyson & Robert Marshall. East West winners with 66.2 percent Dot & Don Learmonth. Runners-up with 62.5 percent Elizabeth Pellow & Judy Holliday.


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