Nambucca Valley Bridge Club News

Rob and Mike blow away 79 years of their life. In Linda’s case only 69. Best wishes guys.

RESULTS for week ending 22nd July 2023

Monday: 17th July. Four tables today. Winners Maureen Cowan & Joanna Halioris with 60 percent. Runners-up, Rob Marshall & Phil Booth with 56.5 percent.

Tuesday: 18th July. A two and a half table Howell won by Maureen Cowan & Rob Marshall with 67.5 percent.

Runners-up Scott Parker & Richard Levy with 57.5 percent.

Wednesday: 19th July. Eighteen players for Richard’s group. Today’s theme “four suit forcing”; I think I know what that means. These events should combine well with the beginner’s course currently running under the guidance of Linda Siford & Barbara Lott on Tuesdays. The end result will keep our club going in the right direction. Very Grateful for these wonderful volunteers.

Thursday: 20th July. Six tables today numbers up a bit. North/South winners Mike Siford & Colin Tolley with 62 percent. Runners-up Joanna Halioris & Richard Levy with 52 percent. East/West winners, Daphne Priestley & Molly Butcher with 67.9 percent. Nice to see you again, Molly. Runners-up, Leonie Harrison & Scott Parker with 52 percent.

Saturday: Six tables again! North/South winners Glen Hallett & Judy Holliday with 65 percent. Runners-up Maureen Cowan & Richard Levy with 58.7 percent. East/West winners, Ali & Neil Tupper with 60.4 percent Welcome back Tuppers. Runners-up Noreen Cork & Helen Rowsell.

Urunga: Wednesday 19th July. A five and a half table bye-Relay today. North/South winners, Rob Marshall & Phil Booth with 63.5 percent. Runners-up Judy Bartley & Peter Plunket-Cole with 57.2 percent. East/West winners, Narelle Mutton & Fern Hinchcliffe with 54 percent. Runners-up Dot & Don Learmonth with 53.7 percent.


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