Nambucca Valley Bridge Club News


THE recent relaxation of Covid restrictions has allowed the club to return to regular size tables.

All other restrictions such as temperature checks, hand sanitizing and social distancing remain in place. Additional breaks during play will allow players to have a breath of fresh air.

Results: Monday 1 Nov, Phil directed a 5 ½ Table Mitchell.

North/South winners were Phil Booth and Rob Marshall with 62%.

Runners-up were Maureen Cowan and Colleen Robertson with 53%.

East /West Joint winners were Ali and Neil Tupper and Daphne Priestly and Carol McKee with 62%.

Carol had a three table Howell on Tuesday 2 Nov.

Winners were Caitlin Holman and Robert Marshall with 64%.

Runners-up were Carol McKee and Amber Fox with 55%.

John directed a 6 Table Mitchell on Thursday 4 November.

North/South winners were Susie Keur and Peter Plunket-Cole with 64%.

Runners-up were Maureen Cowan and Janet Dyson with 60%.

East West Winners were Mike Siford and Colin Tolley with 57%.

Runners-up were Barry Butler and Merita Pailthorpe.

Rob directed a 6table Mitchell on Saturday 6 November.

North/South winners were Mike Siford and Kent Taylor with 57.8%.

Runners-up were Rob Marshall and Phil Booth with 57%.

East/West winners were Carol McKee and Joanna Halioris with 60%.

Runners-up were Colleen Robertson and Paula Guthrie with 59%.



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