Nambucca Valley Bridge Club

Sandy Ellis receives her Local Master Award.

Results for week ending: 6th May 2023

Monday: 1st May. Four and a half tables today for a Howell movement. Winners Mike Siford & Kent Taylor with 63 percent, welcome back guys! Equal Runners-up, scoring 59 percent Rosemary Bateman & Peter Plunkett-Cole with Rob Marshall & Phil Booth.

Tuesday: 2nd May. A two-table Howell won by Pete Rundell & Colin Denny with 68 percent tonight. Runners-up, Jane & Greg Wood with 46 percent.

Wednesday: 3rd May. Sixteen dedicated players supported Richard’s session. Today’s theme was preemptive bidding; how and when to initiate and plan a defense.

Thursday: 4thMay.Twenty contestants in a five-table Mitchell today. North/South winners, Colin Tolley & Mike Siford with 61 percent. Runners-up, Barbara Lott & Linda Siford with 59 percent. East/West winners, with 66 percent Merita Pailthorpe & Barry Butler. Runners-up, Susie Keur & Peter Plunkett-Cole with 61.5 percent.

Saturday: 6th May. A red-points event attracted a 4 ½ table Howell movement. Winners with 58 percent Linda & Mike Siford. Equal runners-up with 55.5 percent Amber Fox & Carol McKee with Astrid & Gus Gorissen.

Urunga: Wednesday 3rd. Thirty committed, competitive contestants supported the first day of the Autumn pairs. This three-day event is one of the more popular days out. Winners with a very creditable score over 70 percent, Nerellyn Mitchell & Peter Jountz. In second place with 66 percent, Glen Hallett & Phil Booth. Coming in third with 55 percent Astrid & Gus Gorissen. There are 5 or 6 players within striking distance so a great competition is guaranteed.


Libby Knight, Graduate Master with Robert Marshall.

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