Nambucca Strikers 16s prevail and the coach shouts the milkshakes

Nambucca Strikers under 16s players Will Dixon and Myles Sheridon. Photo: Amanda Gill Williams.

THE Nambucca Strikers under 16s celebrated their first win of the season with a big splash as the coach delivered on his promise to shout the milkshakes.

A sensational hat-trick from Leo Woodward and a penalty save from Ryan Foulds clinched the three points for the Strikers, elevating them from the foot of the table.

Club coaching coordinator Rhys Jones applauded their resolute team spirit.

“The under 16s boys played the Coffs pumas today and won 4-2.

“After two long years the boys can celebrate a great day,” he said.

“The team manager promised milkshakes if they win and will have to make good on that promise

“Leo Woodward scored a hat-trick while Ryan Faulds stopped a penalty kick in the second half and stopped a few cracking attempts at goal by the opposition as a goalkeeper in training.

“A special thanks to the under 14 boys that helped today, it was a great help,” Jones said.


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