Nambucca River Bridge Club

Nambucca River Bridge Club members enjoying a post-Bridge catchup.

AFTER a serious, but friendly, session of bridge, some of our members were seen having a quiet ale or wine at Nambucca RSL Club.

The cards weren’t particularly difficult during our Thursday session but did require the appropriate serious consideration to get the best results.

The winners on the day were Barry Butler and David McIntyre with a percentage of 56.25 and earning them 0.24 masterpoints.

Second place was a tie between Alison and Neil Tupper and Jennifer and Stuart Thorne with a percentage of 54.17 and earning them 0.15 masterpoints.

The winners from last week were further down the field.

We thank the Nambucca RSL Club for providing us with such a great venue.

Bridge is a card game like no other and once learned can be played for the rest of your life.

For details about our free lessons and our session times , contact Gillian on 0412 654 225 or email


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