Nambucca Macksville Evening View Club supporting Valley kids in Learning for Life

Members with Masks. Photo: Nambucca Macksville Evening View Club.


VIEW (Voice, Interests, Education of Women) is a national women’s organisation who are a part of the Smith Family.

They raise funds to create educational opportunities for young Australians in need.

News Of The Area chatted with Club President, Jan Ewington, and Angie, the Club’s Vice President, on how the Nambucca Macksville Evening View Club operates on a local level.

Jan explained that the club takes part in the Learning for Life (LFL) program.

This program supports disadvantaged children in getting the resources they need to provision their educational experience.

“The program gives students a chance to break the poverty cycle, and the trickle up effect works to help the whole family,” said Jan.

All funds raised are for this purpose, and children are primarily identified by the Principals of individual schools on an anonymous basis.

Jan said, “Our club supports at least six children for a full educational year.”

“Children we support get a Joy Spreader package, this includes reading packages, mentoring, with a whole range of things in between.”

Fundraising for the group can vary from raffles, cake stalls, High Teas, Salsa Nights, card making, cent auctions and clothes swaps.

The Nambucca Macksville Evening VIEW Club is a small community within themselves.

“Our members are wonderful bakers, pickle and relish makers, we are always looking for interesting fundraising activities and opportunities.”

“We are really getting well known for our Macksville street stalls,” said Jan.

Members can attend monthly VIEW meetings where great fun is had by all and friendships are formed, featuring guest speakers and plenty of laughter.

Jan said, “We are not the most orthodox of VIEW Clubs.

“We have shirts, aprons and banners to get our message out to the community of who we are.”

Angie said the Club’s last monthly meeting was put on hold in keeping with current Covid restrictions.

“We will reinstate our Saturday outdoor coffee mornings as we did last year to allow our work to continue.

“The age group of our members needs to be taken into account when gathering,” said Angie.

VIEW greatly appreciates the generosity of the community and the efforts of their wonderful members.

“If VIEW’s aims appeal to you, and if you enjoy having fun and making friends, we invite you to join us at one of our dinner meetings,” said Angie.

More information is available from Jan on 0265 698 391 or Angie on 0413 115 121.




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