Nambucca Heads Women’s Bowls Results

Ann-Marie Johnson, Elaine Fleming, Gloria Richardson, Tina Ryan, Kim Porter, Karen Liddell, Sandra Seckold and Nerida Blackford.

THE Championship Fours games have been completed. Numbers were lower this year, with only four team entries.

The first round saw a strong win by Nerida Blackford, Sandra Seckold, Karen Liddell and Kim Porter against the team of Joan Haigh, Bev Jones, Margaret Flagg and Margaret Dwarte. The conditions were very gusty but team Porter managed to keep their bowls under control and played very well.

In the second game, again in windy conditions, the team of Ann Marie Johnson, Tina Ryan, Gloria Richardson and Elaine Fleming managed to gain and hold the lead after some close ends, winning 24-13 against Rosemary Dugdale, Teresa Meehan, Ava Power and Pat Fletcher.

The final was played in sunshine and more gentle conditions. Team Porter played well to get a number of multiples on winning ends in the first half of the match which set up their win. Team Fleming grabbed a 4 on the ninth end but the damage had been done and more good shot making sealed the win, 28-14.

Social bowls results for the previous week were: E. Fleming, B. Jones & A. Reid lost to G. Richardson, J. Cedelland & A-M Johnson 25-12; P. Fletcher, S. Seckold & K. Dale defeated K. Liddel, R. Dugdale & C. Davis 17-16; D. Mann as swinging lead, J. Haigh and N. Blackford beat D. Mann, M. Fredericks & T. Meehan 15-13.

During the week 30 July- 4 August our club will have varied bowls events happening, so come down and watch some games- it might inspire you to have a go. Saturday 3 August is a big family day with lots of activities for the kids and music- and you can try barefoot bowls as well. Sunday 4th is another comp bowls morning, followed by a lunch and awards ceremony. Any club members are invited to join us- add your name to the RSVP list on the main bowling board inside the club.


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