Nambucca Heads Lions Club to host Awareness Day

PHOTO: (L-R) New Lions and their sponsors David Lloyd, Allan Mills, Luke McGregor Allen, Harry Mills, Rod Smart, Paul and Margaret Orman, Grahame Beatton, Jane and Tony Pattinson. New members not in photo are Terri Beaman, June Riemer and John Palmer.


A QUICK look around Nambucca Heads will give you an understanding of the wonderful work and improvements to the town accredited to the Nambucca Heads Lions Club.

Some examples of this are the BBQ’s and a shelter at the Lions Park Lookout, Lions Riverfront Walkway, the boat ramp, Stuart Island Jetty and arguably the most popular fruits of their labour is the ANZAC Park Jetty featuring access to fishing for people with disabilities.

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what the Lions do for this community.

Throw in the regular upkeep and maintenance they carry out at so many public spaces and it is hard to imagine what the town would look like without them.

Saturday 5 March 2022 is Lions Awareness Day and the Nambucca Lions hope to increase their membership so the great work for the community can continue.

The Nambucca Lions have recently inducted nine new members, four of these are ladies, the first ladies in the 53 year history of the club.

News Of The Area spoke to the Secretary of the Nambucca Heads Lions Club, Mr Bill Shepherd, who said, “We are hoping the Lions Awareness Day will maintain the momentum in gaining new members and we would like to see at least another ten members as a result of the event.

“On Lions Awareness Day there will be a Lions Information Stall at the Nambucca Plaza displaying all our projects and foundations that we support and we will have brochures and contact cards to give out.”

The theme on the day will be ‘Come and have a Snag with a Lion’ and this will be facilitated with a free sausage sizzle at the Nambucca Plaza.

The Lions Awareness Day Stall will start at 9:00am and run to 2:00pm with the newest members on hand to talk with visitors on why they joined the Lions.

Bill Shepherd said, “People join Lions because they want to use their intellect, creativity, commitment and enthusiasm to get things done and by coming to the stall on Lions Awareness Day on Saturday 5 March 2022 you may just find that being a Lion is for you.”



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