Nambucca Heads Island Golf Club Weekly Golf Report

1. Recycled Glass product being delivered.


WE were blessed with a week of fine weather, allowing our staff to get on with the formidable job of course flood repairs.

Thanks to Fortade Group Pty Ltd who were able to make an early start on replacing our Golf Cart Paths which were washed away during the flooding.

Our thanks also to Handybin Waste Services Coffs Harbour who have partnered with us in our course recovery program and are supplying us with a substantial amount of Recycled Glass Product to be used as a base for some of the bunkers that are undergoing a “makeover”.

We expect our normal bunker sand will be delivered next week.

Fingers crossed for continuing fine weather, and it’s full steam ahead for our Course Flood Recovery program.

This week’s featured sponsor was Nambucca Valley Care who featured on the 10th Tee.

Tuesday 18 May was an Open Medley Medley Stableford which was won by Kay McGoldrick with 34 points, with good scores from Rhonda Rowe 33, and Graeme Bassam 32.

The Ball Rundown went to 29 on countback.

Kel McGoldrick got the NTP on 5, Alvin Rapley on 7, Greg Smith cleaned up all the remaining par 3 NTP’s on 8, 15 and 18.

Wednesday 19 May was the first of the Club’s Foursomes Championships all sponsored by Terminator Ant & Pest Control for the second year running with proprietor Adam Rostrom on hand to present the Ladies trophies.

This year’s Women’s Foursomes Champions are Adrienne Smith and Christine Clarke Runners up were Jennifer Johnston & Kerrie Eichorn.

Overall Net winners were Dianne O’Leary & Linne Street.

NTP’s went to Chris Clarke & Adrienne Smith on 5, Dianne O’leary & Linne Street on the Pizza 13th, Jenny Thorne and Lyn Parkes on 18.

Thank you, Adam, for your continued support.

Thursday 20 May was a Medley Single Stableford run in 2 Divisions.

Winner of Division 1 was Mark Curry (7) from Charlestown with 38 points on countback from Paul McElhinney (19).

Division 2 winner was Don Atkinson (34) with 39 points from William Osborne (22) from Tanilba Bay with 38 points on countback.

Other good scores from Paddy Byrne 38, John Buganey & Peter Moxon 37, & Chris Thorndike 36.

Women’s Foursomes Champions 2021 – Adrienne Smith & Christine Clarke.

NTPs went to Chris Tinson on 5, Ray Baker on 7, Les Mohr got the Subway voucher on 8, Andrew Burkett (Tanilba Bay) got the Pizza voucher on 13 and Geoff Harris got Stu’s ball on 15.

Friday’s Chook Run was won by Geoff Couchman (Chook) with 19 points on countback from Paul McElhinney (2 balls) and Mark De Brincat with 18 points on countback (1 ball).

Saturday 22May was a Medley Single Stableford – Men’s Singles Knockout Qualifier and a Top Gun Shootout eligible round – and brought out the best in some players.

Glen Crow (13) scored 43 points to win Division 1 from Steve Frost (15) with 38 points.

The best round of the day went to Neil Duffus (24) with a massive 44 points to win Division 2 from Lee Fewings (33) with 41 points.

Other good rounds from Dennis Ashton 38, Edward Penrose, Keith Elphick, Philip Mander and Dave Rosser all with 37.

NTP’s went to Uri Ylinen for the longest putt on 2, John Moore on 5, Graham Watson on 7, Rodney Ford got the Subway voucher on 8, Trevor Peter scored the Pizza voucher on 13, Graham Watson again collected Stu’s ball on 15, and Dennis Ashton on 18.

Updated Top Gun standings and the Draw for the Men’s Singles Knockout are on the notice board – note that the first round must be completed no later than Saturday 26th June.

MNCDGA Men’s Pennants – In Division 3B we hosted Coffs Harbour who unfortunately were unable to field a full team – Our “Buccaneers” won 3 and half to 1 and half.

Their next match is against Satwell at Sawtell, and a postponed match has yet to be scheduled to complete the round.

Our Division 4B side lost their match against Bellingen 3 and 2, but our “Dolphins” have already made it through to the semi-final round in 3 to 4 weeks – Congratulations on a great effort everyone.

Competition Results will now be printed and available for visitors to check their results, as they do not have access to our Members Portal – the folder will remain next to the score card box.


By Geoffrey MCCANN


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