Nambucca Heads Island Golf Club

Darcy busy practising on her own practice area in preparation for the USGA Amateur.


PHEW, what a massive week of golf.

The Ladies played two Championship rounds on Wednesday & Friday, and the Men completed theirs on Saturday, ‘Dolphin Day’ on Thursday and the ‘Island Sunday’ Syd Campton Memorial Day on Sunday.

And Darcy Habgood fulfills her lifelong dream of competing in the US Amateur commencing on Monday – what a great achievement.

Good luck from all your friends at Nambucca Darcy.

Tuesday 27 July was an Open Medley Stableford sponsored by the NHIGC Pro Shop.

Raymond Meehan (32) won this event with 39 points from Heather Gray (24) with 38 points on count back from Peter Bush and Shane Crouch (Frederickton).

Other good scores from Robert Hey (Parkes) & Susie Barenyi (Kiama) 37, Scott Munro (Coolangatta Tweed Heads) & Clyde Johnson 36.

The Ball Rundown to 33 points on countback.

NTP’s Colin Habgood (Kempsey) on 5, Wayne Powter (Parkes) on 7, Peter Miller got Subway’s voucher on 8, James Howard got the Pizza voucher on 13, Robert Hey collected Stu’s ball on 15 and Stuart Johnston on 18.

Wednesday 28 July was the second round of the Ladies Championships. Kerrie Eichorn (14) and Denise Paluch (19) both scored 72 in Division one, Kerrie winning on countback.

In Division two, Robyn Jones (34) scored 67 net to win from Angela Paton (26) net 70.

Peta Giddey (40) scored 70 to win Division three from Lillian Lukins (35) net 74.

The Ball Rundown went to 75 on countback.

NTP’s went to Helen Ferrero & Lillian Lukins on 5, Denise Paluch got the Pizza Voucher on 13, and Henny Oldenhove on 18.

Thursday 29 July was the Open ‘Dolphin Day’ Medley Stableford sponsored by Nambucca RSL and Midstate Financial Services (Stuart Garvey).

The best overall score for the day went to Drew Glasson (9) with 39 points on countback from Andrew Bagust – Drew wins the Dolphin Day golf shirt of his choice which will be embroidered with details of his win.

In Division one (+6 to 16), the winner was Paul Ryan (16) with 38 points on countback from Adrian Lees (5) from Gardiners Run.

Andrew Bagust (21) scored 39 points to win Division two (17 to 22) from Scott Burley (22) with 38 points.

In Division three, (23 to 45), Leanne Welsh (24) scored 38 points to win from Clyde Johnson on countback.

Other good scores from Bernie Dugdale & Col Easey 38, Peter Miller 37, Andrew Brooker & Greg Smith 36.

The Ball Rundown to 34 points on countback.

NTP’s went to Barrie Nicholson for the long put on 2, Col Easey with a great shot to 40cms on 5, Rick Heywood on 7, Ray Baker got Subway’s voucher on 8, Steve Frost got the Pizza voucher on 13, Grant Squires got Stu’s ball on 15, and Keith Elphick on 18.

Friday 30 July was the final round of the Ladies Championships.

Division one winner was Judy Boyle (24) with net 70 from Heather Gray (24) net 71.

Scratch winner Sue Brooks 84.

Division two winner was Angela Paton (26) with net 63 from Joy Green (32) net 68.

Scratch Cheryl Gilmour 97. In Division three Bryony Brownlie (45) won with net 70 from Dianne Hopkins (40) net 72.

Scratch winner Lillian Lukins 109.

The Ball rundown to net 74 on countback.

NTP’s went to Kerrie Eichorn & Sue O’Donnell on 5, Cheryl Gilmour got the Pizza voucher on 13 and Rhonda Rowe on 18.

The Women’s Championships were sponsored by MidCoast Trucks and Bernard Laverty Funerals – thank you both.

The final results of the championships are:

Division One

Champion: Sue Brooks

Runner Up: Kerrie Eichorn

Net Winner: Denise Paluch

Division Two

Champion: Angela Paton

Runner Up: Kay McGoldrick

Net Winner: Robyn Jones

Division Three

Champion: Lillian Lukins

Runner Up: Di Hopkins

Net Winner: Bryony Brownlie

Saturday 3 July was the final round of the Men’s Championships sponsored by HLV Partners.

In “A” Grade (scratch to12) Peter Farrell (5) carded net 67 to win from Alan O’Brien (10) net 70.

Scratch winner was Greg McCoy 73.

In “B” Grade (13 to 18), Daniel Wren (18) from Bowraville scored net 64 to win from Stephen Doherty (18) net 66.
Scratch winner was Simon Walker 85.

In “C” Grade (19 to 36), Stephen Smith (27) won with a net 66 from Walter Bortoletto (26) net 69.

Scratch winner as Roy Russell 91.

Other good scores from Col Wormleaton, Tristram Edwards & Bernie Dugdale all with net 70.

The Ball Rundown went to 74 on countback.

NTP’s went to Daniel Wren for the long put on 2, Keith Elphick on 5, John Morgan on 7, Allan O’Brien got Subway’s voucher on 8, Kevin Anderson got the Pizza voucher on 13, Paddy Byrne got Stu’s ball on 15, and Trevor Hopkins on 18.

The final results for the Men’s Championships are:

A Grade

Champion: Gregory McCoy

Runner Up: Peter Farrell

Net Winner: Rich Heywood

B Grade

Champion: Philip Mander

Runner Up: Christian Knight

Net Winner: Stephen Doherty

C Grade

Champion: Bryan Ussher

Runner Up: Bernard Dugdale

Net Winner: Leslie Mohr

Sunday 1 August was the ‘Island Sunday’ Mixed 4BBB and Syd Campton Memorial Day sponsored by the Campton family and Val Last.

With the amount of golf played during the week, most of us were “golfed out” and a smaller than usual field participated for the event.

Maxine Townsend and Ray Baker combined to score 44 points to win from Robyn Jones and Kevin Anderson with 43 points, Sue & Tony Seymour 42 points and Glenys Thompson & Trevor Peck 41 points.

NTP’s went to Sue Seymour on 5, Bryony Brownlie got the Pizza voucher on 13 where she birdied the hole for 5 points, Sue Brooks and Greg Smith on 18.

Watch out for nominations for the Open ‘Island Classic’ for Men & Women scheduled for Saturday & Sunday 28 & 29 August – full details will be released shortly.

Please stay COVID safe and we hope to see you on the Island.


By Geoffrey MCCANN


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