Nambucca Emergency Services Column: Australian Red Cross


WELCOME to the Australian Red Cross monthly Nambucca Emergency Services column.

Defeat The Heat

Heatwaves and heat related illness are responsible for more deaths than any other type of natural disaster in Australia.

As we move into the summer season it’s vital that we get prepared for longer periods of extreme heat temperatures.

Many groups within our community are particularly at risk and vulnerable when it comes to heatwaves these include:

  • People over 65 or the very young
  • People on certain medications
  • Breastfeeding mothers
  • Alcohol and drug users
  • Socially isolated people
  • People without housing
  • People with lingering COVID-19 related health issues
  • Anyone experiencing anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress, or anyone with a medical condition that makes it hard to regulate their body temperature

What can we do?

  • Have a plan for how you will respond including your pets.
  • Prepare your mind by thinking about how hot weather affects your mood and ability to think clearly.
  • Make adjustments to our home to keep it cool.
  • Check on neighbours, friends and family who might be vulnerable.
  • If you go outside, wear light clothes, a hat and sunscreen, and take water.
    · If you are wearing a mask, take extra precautions to stay cool.
  • Water is the best hydration fluid, much better than drinking lots of tea, soft drinks or coffee.
  • Being aware of how heat can affect a person’s reactions and communication is important, especially as we are going about our daily lives in an extreme heat event.
  • If you or someone you know shows signs of heat stroke, including fits, confusion and staggering, call 000 immediately.


How to prepare

  • Check local weather forecasts.
  • Get advice from your doctor regarding your medications in regards to fluid intake and availability and storage.
  • Have your emergency contact numbers handy should you need assistance.
  • Check you have enough food for the next few days.
  • Limit your activities in the heat of the day.
  • Check fridges and freezers, fans and air conditioners are all working effectively.
  • Have cool packs and cooling neck wraps available.
  • Talk to your local Red Cross Emergency Services Team on Preparing for a Heatwave

Marion’s Red Cross Tea House in Bowra Street Nambucca Heads is a Community Cool Spot, where you will be welcome to sit, have a drink of water and cool off on a hot day.



Beat the Heat Booklet – Health tips for a safe season document can be downloaded from the NSW Health website

Health Direct on 1800 022 222. This is a free 24 hour telephone health advice line staffed by Registered Nurses to provide expert health advice (a NSW government health advice line, calls from landlines are free).

If you require urgent medical assistance. Call 000.


By Red Cross Nambucca

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