Nambucca Emergency Services: Australian Red Cross Update

Community Events

RHIANNON Treasure-Brand, Community Recovery Officer from Nambucca Shire Council has focused on the recovery journey for many people who were affected residents, first responders, and community members who supported the Nambucca Valley during the 2019 bushfires.

One event that has helped people in their journey was an evening of film and live music, entitled ‘Up Armidale Road’ at the Utungun Community Hall on 12 May.

Red Cross attended this evening which was presented by Grace and Hugh who travelled up the Armidale Road.

The songs created by the pair marked the aftermath of the firestorm that decimated Nymboida in November 2019.

‘Up Armidale Road’ is the culmination of two years filming and production, chronicling a unique collaboration between the community of Nymboida, songwriters Grace and Hugh, and the musicians of the Clarence Valley Conservatorium.

On Saturday 28 May the annual Saltwater Freshwater Festival was held in the Nambucca Valley.

The festival’s mission was to celebrate and share authentic Aboriginal living culture with the wider community and create a positive, inclusive family day for all communities to enjoy.

The Australian Red Cross were invited by the Nambucca Valley Council to join their ‘disaster resilience-style’ marquee in the festival, along with other agencies.

This Festival is the only Aboriginal cultural festival of its kind in regional New South Wales, and a true showcase of local culture, skills, music, dance, art, lifestyle and culinary talent.


Mary Ball, Team Leader, has celebrated ten years of service this month with the Red Cross.

Mary is a role model for her team, the community, and to the many people who she has helped in a variety of situations and circumstances during her decade of service. Leadership requires a certain personal quality during times of emergencies and Mary has constantly displayed this in all her responsibilities and duties as team leader.

The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience has nominated Valla Beach CRT for a ‘community’ award.

Resilient Australia Awards 2022 are testimony to the work and commitment of the residents across a broader spectrum of projects and services.

Congratulations to Pat Greenwood and her loyal street coordinators on being nominated for this award.

National Volunteer Week was celebrated during 16-22 May, and 8 June was Thank a First Responder Day.

Both dates recognise the vital work of all volunteers and all agencies.

So many in our community are volunteers who work in different ways to help to create a better society for everyone and we simply say ‘Thank you’.

Our Branch raffle was recently drawn and we congratulate all winners.

By Adele MCCOLLOM, Red Cross

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