Mystery beach signs pose complex questions

The latest sign to appear at North Valla Beach prompts people to be mindful of how they use the beach.


A FEW days before Easter a new sign appeared on the wire fence opposite the track leading down to North Valla beach.

It came as no surprise to local residents who have become accustomed to seeing similar signs go up and then mysteriously disappear shortly after.

The signs are always neatly done and never offensive, and they usually pose a simple question designed to make people think.

The latest sign reads, “Do we need a coastal nature reserve or a beach freeway?”

North Valla beach is something of a magnet to holidaymakers as well as local residents, particularly those who fancy an early-morning dip or an afternoon walk.

It’s also popular with experienced boardriders, sailboarders, fishermen and kayakers.

“This particular sign is obviously aimed at people speeding along the beach in four-wheel drives,” explained a middle-aged man walking a dog on the beach.

“It can be a big problem, and just a few weeks ago a neighbour was nearly run down by a woman going way too fast who actually abused him for getting in her way.”

It’s not only speeding drivers that are targeted by the signs; in the past some have been aimed at people who leave their rubbish strewn across the beach or caused environmental damage.

“The funny thing is, none of us have ever seen anyone putting up the signs,” said the dog-walker.

“It must be someone with a lot of patience who wants to make a point rather than a fuss and, whoever it is, the rest of us wish him or her all the best in making the beach safer and more pleasant for everyone.”



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