Myall U3A stall a huge success

Myall U3A Art Group members displayed their art works at the Seniors Expo.

IT was with great pleasure and success that Myall U3A attended and supported the Progress Association’s ‘Seniors Week Festival’ held at the Hawks Nest Scout Hall on Yamba Street.

“It was exciting to receive so many enquiries regarding membership, volunteering, and there was a great show of interest in all the courses Myall U3A offer,” said Annie Rutter, Myall U3A.

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“It is with gratitude and thanks to Sandra Bourke and her fabulous team who did a wonderful job setting up such an excellent venue for the Seniors Expo this year and giving our Myall U3A Art Group the prestigious area (the boxing ring) to display their amazing works of art,” Annie said.

In 2023 the U3A is celebrating 50 years worldwide.

The U3A Network in Queensland is hosting a conference in Rockhampton from 8 to 11 May under the theme of ‘Celebrating U3A Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’.

They will have an inspiring line up of speakers and all members are welcome to attend.

Details of the event and more information can be found on the U3A Network Qld website at

“It is never too late to join MU3A, we welcome new members all year round, download a membership form from the website or phone directly on 0431 523 093,” Annie said.

Myall U3A members at the group’s expo stall.

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