Myall U3A members explore unique history of Maitland Gaol

Myall U3A members check out the Chapel.

ON a recent Friday morning, 20 members of the Myall University of the Third Age (Myall U3A) travelled to East Maitland to explore the historic Maitland Gaol.

Annie Rutter, Publicity Officer, Myall U3A, said “meandering through the harsh, stone-cold prison was a fascinating, albeit confronting experience”.

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“We learnt that the first prisoners were admitted in 1848 and the last left in 1998.

“Showers weren’t introduced until 1975 – can you imagine?” Annie said.

Tour guide Marilyn entertained the group with facts and tales of murders, hangings, escapees and suicide attempts, not to mention the dozens of babies born to female prisoners throughout the gaol’s treacherous history.

“We also discovered that some notoriously famous baddies, George Savvas and Ivan Milat, had been its residents ‘back in the day’,” Annie said.

“Early conditions in the gaol were horrendous.

“Listening to Marilyn’s descriptions was enough to make the hairs stand up on the back of our necks.

“I think that we were all rather glad when the gates of the gaol were shut and bolted behind us.”

Annie said the delicious lunch group members enjoyed at the Bread and Water Cafe after the gruesome goal experience was “very welcome and lifted our spirits”.

The group outing was organised by Ray Keipert and Deb Howe.

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