Myall U3A enjoy Roman history lesson

Patricia Henderson.


THE Myall U3A was recently enthralled by a fascinating presentation from Patricia Henderson, who has a Master of Arts, Ancient History, about the Roman system of government in its glory days.

Patricia’s research is meticulous and she certainly brings her passion for her subject to her frequent presentations.

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“My talk was about the glory, and some might say, dying days of republican Rome, the century leading up to 27 BCE,” said Patricia.

“A concept that defined Roman social and political relations was ‘friendship’ (amicitia), or a mutual patron/client relationship.

“It was the misuse of this idea within the structure of the political system that enabled unscrupulous politicians like Crassus, Pompey and Julius Caesar to take control of the Roman government and to use it for their own ends.

“Their actions led to civil war and the rise of Octavian (later Augustus) and a new political climate in Rome under a ‘principate’, or empire, with Augustus as its first Emperor.

“The lawyer Cicero lived through these times and I was able to draw on his court cases, articles and letters to relive this fascinating era.”

The Myall U3A would like to thank Patricia for her fascinating presentation which left her audience with a feeling that we need to reflect upon modern democracy and the lessons we can use from the past.

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