Myall U3A artists farewell the year Myall Coast Myall Coast - popup ad Myall Coast News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 3, 2025 The Myall U3A artists enjoyed raffles, good food and company at their end-of-year luncheon, as well as a surprising Secret Santa. CREATIVE talents collided at the Myall U3A Art Group’s Christmas Luncheon, held at their recent home in the hall of the Tea Gardens Baptist Church on Monday 16 December. An amazing array of delicious, hot-weather-friendly foods were up for grabs, as well as delectable desserts, most of it home-made. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – Everyone went home happy with a Secret Santa prize, including one very pleased individual who was given a Deb Florence original entitled ‘Poppies in the Field’. Sandy Flynn was formally farewelled as the chief convenor of the group, and thanked for her extensive efforts. “On behalf of the Myall U3A Art Group, I would like to thank you for everything you have done this year,” announced Roslyn Jones. “I sat down the other day to think about what to say today and thought I would list just some of the roles you undertook this year: opening, closing, collecting money, organising weekly emails, organising weekly tutors, and all the necessary and essential liaising with the rest of U3A. “Sandy worked with Deb the Program Officer and Co-ordinator, and Technical Officer Denis to ensure that a modern EFTPOS facility was available at the October long weekend sale, and with Treasurer Joyce for payment of artists and payment of any items we purchased.” Ray Keipert from the Baptist Church was also thanked for assisting with the use of the hall. The main running of the Myall U3A Art Group will be handed to outdoor art and beautification veteran Jeanette Hart and prodigious painter Jan Nesbitt. “Next year, the Art Group will focus a lot more on techniques,” Jan said. “We will spend terms on acrylics, watercolours, sketching, and a term set aside for miscellaneous ventures.” By Thomas O’KEEFE Karen Piggott and Ros Jones thanked outgoing convenor Sandy Flynn for all her hard work.