Myall U3A Art Group makes Christmas cards for local nursing homes

Karen Piggott, Sandy Flinn, Sonja Ridden, Jeanette Hart and Roslyn Jones thanking Sonja for all her hard work.

GOODWILL and seasonal cheer reached local nursing homes at the end of 2023, thanks to the mammoth Christmas card-making efforts of the Myall U3A Art Group.

All created by the Myall U3A Art Group, in a veritable showcase of their budding and maturing talents, the tradition of Christmas cards were warmly welcomed by their intended recipients at Estia and Peter Sinclair Gardens.

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“This is our third year running, and we have at least 160 cards, so everyone at the local nursing homes will be able to receive a card this Christmas,” MU3A Art Group convenor Sonja Ridden told NOTA last year.

“This means that there will be something for those who otherwise may not receive a card at the nursing homes,” Jeanette Hart explained.

It was a bitter-sweet day as Ms Ridden, who has run the Art Group for the last four years, also announced that she was stepping down as convenor.

“In four years, it has grown so much.

“I’ve had the best time, but will step down today,” Ms Ridden said.

“When we started, we agreed let’s be a really nice, lovely group.

“I cannot fault our group, people are so kind and compassionate.”

Ms Hart told NOTA the group would have closed if Sonja hadn’t stepped up four years ago.

“She’s done an amazing job as a teacher and a leader,” she said.

Having run the group on her own, Sonja’s large shoes will be filled by Sandy Flinn and Jeanette Hart, assisted by Roslyn Jones and Karen Piggott.

“The magic of the group is not in aiming to create the masterpiece here, but finding the true inspiration to take with me when I go home and continue my art,” Ms Flinn said.

“When I first came here I did very simplistic 2D paintings, now they are good enough for the Gallery!”

“We’ve all had the chance to practice and learn all the art mediums, and see the equipment and methods that others use.

“This Group has accelerated our learning by being a part of it.”

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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