Myall River VIEW Club celebrates 28th anniversary

The models from the fashion parade: (L-R) Rhonda, Kath, Sheril, Sharon, Lyn and Eva.

LADIES of the Myall River VIEW Club celebrated the group’s 28th anniversary with a big and beautiful luncheon at the Tea Gardens Grange Clubhouse on Friday 12 July.

“When I helped start this Club 28 years ago, I never thought it would last this long,” Dorothy Thompson told NOTA.

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“Some Smith Family ladies met at the Golf Club, looking to start a VIEW Club in the area, but there was too much discussion about what to name it, so I suggested ‘Myall River’ to be more inclusive of the wider area, and our group started off making babies’ clothing.”

After the pledge and prayer, the 28th anniversary day was, once again, witness to a beautiful 70-voice acapella rendition of ‘Advance Australia Fair’, the likes of which not heard much these days, before the many games including door prizes, lucky 100s and tombolas, leaving several members happy with some beautiful prizes.

Myall River members were joined by guests from other clubs including Maitland, Cessnock, Tilligerry and Raymond Terrace, as well as local Red Cross members.

Long-service pins were awarded to Anne Shannon (ten years), Sue Dodds (20 years) and Paula Carter (30 years).

Bronwyn Hodge, VIEW Zone Councillor, announced that the nine students whom Myall River VIEW supports through the Learning For Life program are excelling because of the ladies’ enthusiasm.
“We do it for one reason only, to see the children get an education,” Myall River VIEW President Hilary Gall affirmed.

A special Certificate of Appreciation was also given to Audra Taylor, who has given wide support for the club, including with advertising and information, donating supermarket vouchers, and helping out all-around for a number of years.

Members and guests enjoyed a delicious roast lunch, served up by Heidi at the Grange, and were then treated to a fashion parade, featuring the threads of Circle of Friends, which has numerous locations up and down the coast, including one at Tea Gardens.

Many different colours and sizes were modelled by the VIEW ladies themselves, and the show got interactive as the models strutted around the room, letting the ladies see the outfits and accessories up close and personally.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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