Myall River paintings reunited after years apart

Stephen, Gillian and Margaret at Galleries in the Gardens last week.

TWO paintings by a Tea Gardens artist have been reunited years after being separated to opposite ends of the planet.

Gillian Fabiszewski is the artist behind ‘Tidal A and B’, a diptych (a pair of paintings created to be hung side-by-side) depicting an abstract scene of the tidal flats of the Myall River.

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The paintings went on display six years ago at Galleries in the Gardens (GiG) on Marine Drive, Tea Gardens.

The paintings are in Gillian’s preferred abstract, contemporary style, and clearly indicate her method.

“I tend to sit in nature, watch and absorb the movement of the water, and put my own interpretation onto the canvas,” Gillian told NOTA.

When Stephen Wyatt and his wife, Diane Beaupre, saw the paintings at the gallery, they could choose only one to take with them all the way back to New Brunswick, Canada.

The painting, Tidal A, was duly separated from its twin, and rolled up so that it could go back with them on the plane.

“My parents, Ken and Margaret Wyatt of Tea Gardens, snuck back to the Gallery several days later and bought the second painting,” Stephen told NOTA.

The next time that Stephen visited his parents, he saw the second painting hanging on the wall in his parents’ house.

“They explained: ‘When we go, you can take this one back to Canada to reunite them’.”

Ken passed in 2018, and Margaret now lives at Peter Sinclair Gardens in Hawks Nest, so Stephen spirited away Tidal B to Canada earlier this year.

It has now found a new yet familiar home, hanging once again alongside its sister.

“The paintings of the Myall River are looking out onto a landscape covered by snow for four months of the year,” Stephen explained.

“It is clear that the two paintings should be together, and the story also reflects the back-and-forth movement of sand and water along the Myall.”

The artist, Gillian, has expressed a sense of wonderment at the story, meeting with Stephen and Margaret at the Tea Gardens gallery last weekend.

“There’s definitely a strong connection between the two works, and it’s very rare and nice to hear feedback on where your paintings end up six years on,” Gillian said.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

Tidal A and B, the twin paintings by Gillian Fabiszewski, have been reunited at last.

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