Myall Masters Swimming Club Holds Annual Presentation

Awardees (L-R): Shane O’Connor (Most Improved), Jo Collins ( Swimmer of the Year), Steve Rees (Club Member Award).

MYALL Masters Swimming Club members glammed up for their annual Presentation Night, held at Tillerman’s, Tea Gardens, on Wednesday 27 March, where three major awards were presented, followed by an exquisite celebratory spread.

‘Most Improved’ went to Shane O’Connor, presented by Club Captain Steve Rees, who said, “Shane has participated enthusiastically in training, demonstrated major improvement in his fitness and technique, and held a positive attitude towards all.”

Shane has only missed one swimming training session, understandably due to his daughter’s wedding.

‘Swimmer of the Year’ was Jo Collins, presented by Club Head Coach Sharon Taylor, who commented, “Jo has a high level of perseverance and commitment, and a superior ability in swimming, which has progressed due to her work ethic throughout the seasons.”

“Jo has developed into a very graceful swimmer, who has a wonderful quality and presence, commitment to the Club and her fellow swimmers, and is a joy to watch in the water.”

‘Club Member of the Year’ went to Steve Rees, presented by Vice President Linda Stubbs, who said, “Steve has been Captain for numerous years, a Committee member for 5 years, he inspires by example, he is the front-runner for organising the annual swimming carnival, and has continued to contribute to the Club with involvement in various aspects, including coaching, committee administrative roles, and organisation in general.”

“Steve was the standout for ‘Club Member of the Year’, as he takes everything in his stride, an inspiring club Captain who encourages and motivates, takes on leadership duties with no fuss,” Linda concluded.

Three new Life Members were also inaugurated on the night: Kerry Patterson, John Estens and Linda Stubbs, each for their outstanding and long-time services to the Masters.

Leon Bobako, existing Life Member and Myall Masters President, said, “The Myall Masters Swim Carnival in February welcomed 155 competitors, the most to attend a local meet, and the success of such events is due to the ongoing work of the Club.”

“Members have been encouraged to get official qualifications, and numerous members are now qualified as coaches, while non-swimming members take on positions to the benefit of the club and all members.”

The Presentations were followed by a two-course entree and main, with a fabulous celebratory sponge-cake to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Club – November, which is coming up in November this year.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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