Myall Coast Weekly Emergency Services Update

James, Greg, Sandy, David and Steve from the Stroud SES Unit.


IT’S time for your weekly emergency services update.

Live Fire Safe Ready

The NSW Rural Fire Service alongside the NSW Government and Fire and Rescue have launched ‘Live BushFire Ready,’ a program to support locals in creating a bushfire safety plan.

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The website has a myriad of resources, checklists and support services to support NSW residents live and stay bushfire safe

Static Water Supply

Pindimar/ Tea Gardens Rural Fire Brigade are asking locals with pools, tanks or dams on their property to consider putting a Static Water Supply (SWS) sign outside the property so that firefighters know where they can access water in the event of a fire.

A representative from the NSW Rural Fire Brigade spoke of the importance of water supplies in the event of a bushfire.

“During bushfires, firefighters often have difficulty getting enough water as there is not always enough water in the mains to fight a major bushfire.

“Static water supplies with a capacity of over 3000 litres such as swimming pools, tanks and dams may be vital sources of water for firefighters.”

For those wishing to receive one of the signs, contact the Brigade.

SES Units

Congratulations to five members of the NSW SES Stroud Unit who were assessed and qualified to perform Road Crash Rescue this week.

These members attended training at Port Macquarie on the weekend and are now ready to support their community.



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