Myall Coast Vets Golf Results Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 18, 2021 MYALL Coast Vets. 15/10/2021. Stableford. Yamaha Prize Day. A Grade 1. Colin Clinch 38 2. Rod Brown 37 3. Ian Peachey 37 c/b 4. Peter Gurney 37 c/b 5. John Howse 37 B Grade 1. Bill Vandenberg 38 c/b 2. Colin Rapley 38 3. Ray Iddon 37 c/b 4. Barrie Newton 37 c/b 5. Ian Raine 37 C Grade 1. Des Paget 40 2. Gehad Serhan 37 c/b 3. Des Patfield 36 c/b 4. Steve Carruthers 36 5. Keith Beards 32 c/b Balls To. A. 30 c/b B. 29 c/b C. 28 By Tony SMITH