Myall Coast Veterans Golf Results Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 7, 2021 MYALL Coast Vets. 2/09/2021. Stableford A Grade 1. Clemo Clemens 38 c/b 2. Greg Blyton 38 3. Breton Gibbs 37 4. Graeme Bramley 36 c/b 5. Oswald Wood 36 c/b B Grade 1. Larry Campton 45 2. Richard Kemp 40 c/b 3. Kevin Marr 40 4. Rob Simmons 39 5. John Reynolds 38 C Grade 1. Graham Benson 37 c/b 2. Gordon Morrison 37 3. Michael Ross36 c/b 4. Michael Talty 36 5. Frank Murphy Balls To. A. 30 B. 32 C. 30 c/b By Tony SMITH