Myall Coast students come together for Year 7 Orientation at BCS

Jack Murray (Year 6), Jessica Amos (Year 7 Advisor) and a student from another school.


ON Wednesday 1 December Bulahdelah Central School welcomed incoming Year 7 students for Orientation Day.

48 students attended, including seventeen from Tea Gardens, six from Booral, one from Bungwahl and one from St Josephs.

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The day started with some interactive activities which gave the students a cha nce to get to know each other.

This was followed by some fun lessons in Geography, Art and PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and;
Physical Education).

“After a sausage sizzle for lunch and some time to play games the students were given their welcome packs for next year.

“We look forward to seeing them all next year.

“A special thanks to those who helped on the day,” said BCS Year 7 Advisors James Vriesinga and Jessica Amos.

Attachment 2 6819 Front Main: Tara Smith (Teacher), various students from other schools

Attachment 3 6847 LtoR: Student from other school, Salome Reitsma, Lasey Baggins

-Cupitt, Nikita Wheaton


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