Myall Coast Little Athletics Club to close

Myall Coast Little Athletics Club past competitors. Back Row: Gemma Brown, Sophie Frazer and Lilly-Ann White. Middle Row: Logue White, Sam Alchin, Lenita White and Tyler Rodgers. Front Row: Lewis Smith, Noah Rodgers and Lara Randall. Absent: Kasey Brown, Jade Hunter, Corey Cunningham, Amber Cunningham and Aaliyah Paulson-Ruprecht.


Myall Coast Little Athletics Centre has been a staple in Hawks Nest and the wider Myall Coast community for more than 10 years.

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It’s operated on a non-profit basis and is entirely run by volunteers, most of whom have their own children competing.

The centre has recently announced that its upcoming 2020-21 season will be cancelled due to the lack of interest in forming a committee.

Melisa Brown, Acting Secretary, Myall Coast Little Athletics Centre, said, “We have had many parents, committee and athletes come and go over the years.”

“I will remain the contact for the next 12 months while we keep our affiliation current if indeed somebody would still like to take over operations in that time,” she said.

“After this we will permanently close.”

Ms Brown also cited COVID-19 as a contributing factor to the difficulties of continuing to run the centre.

“I’d like to take the time to thank you all for your continued support, and also to all our sponsors over the years,” said Ms Brown.

“We are very sorry for the children of our community who will miss out on such a great sport.”

If anyone is interested in getting involved, or knows someone who may be, please contact Ms Brown at 0437 970 685 or 0457 671 400.



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