Myall Coast and Port Stephens community to go further for Quirindi



Dear News Of The Area,

I WAS greatly moved by the plight of this community who are suffering from the severe drought.

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Perhaps we, as a community, could establish a “partnership” with our country cousins and generate support and recognition for a dying community by reaching out to them.

Maybe a simple bus trip to buy some jeans, have a picnic or a bush dance?

Imagine if our Chamber of Commerce, Lions, Rotary, Probus, U3A, and other Clubs (Groups) offering challenge matches. E.g. Bowlers, Golfers, RSL and retirement villages/citizens could liaise with their counterparts at Quirindi, and start a conversation as to how we could help!

I understand school exchanges are very well supported in Sydney with country/aboriginal experiences proving popular and a win/win for both schools.

Alternatively imagine opening our homes to long suffering farmers/families for a seaside break here at our beautiful seaside community.

This letter is meant to appeal to those who are prepared to respond and organize.

Neil Renfree
Tea Gardens

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