Myall Arts & Craft donate to Bear Cottage

In 2008 members of the Myall Community Arts and Crafts Centre Quilting group decided to make and donate quilts to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

Bear cottage
Children from Bear Cottage, Manly

This was repeated the next year.

Due to the large number of quilts held in reserve at the Children’s Hospital an alternate recipient was found.

That recipient was Bear Cottage a Palliative care Hospital for 0-18year old children.

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Denise Dewar delivering the quilts to Judy at Bear Cottage.

The quilts were warmly received in this bright busy place which is like a huge beach house located in a quiet cull de sac in Manly.

Continuing in the tradition set so many years ago, last week Paul and Denise Dewar delivered twenty one beautiful quilts of all shapes and sizes to Bear Cottage.

Not only do the sick children receive a quilt but also their siblings who join them at the Cottage.

Included in the gift were seven magnificent hand crocheted rugs made by Alice who meets with ladies from the Wrapped With Love Group of St Stephens Catholic Church in Tea Gardens.

There was also a bonus colourful Polar-fleece rug as well.
The MCACC is one of many quilting groups who support the community of Bear Cottage.

Cottage residents are extremely grateful and appreciative of these gifts. It is wonderful to see many of the quilts draped over sofas and chairs as well as tucked around the children.



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