‘Mushrooms on the Menu’ study launches at Shoreline Coffs Harbour

Residents at The Shoreline Luxury Retirement Living in Coffs Harbour attending the ‘Mushrooms on the Menu’ study launch.

RESIDENTS at The Shoreline Luxury Retirement Living in Coffs Harbour are participating in a partnership between FOODiQ Global and Australian Mushrooms in a first-time research study focussing on enhancing vitamin D and overall nutrient intake among seniors.

The study will investigate the feasibility of adding vitamin D-rich mushrooms to the menu, their impact on the nutritional intakes of the aged care facility residents, and their overall enjoyment of the menu.

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With one in four Australian adults being vitamin D deficient, and seniors being at greater risk for deficiency,
mushrooms are a problem-solving ingredient to incorporate into the menu; the only natural non-animal source of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is crucial for immunity and bone health, especially important for seniors who may not be outdoors enough to get adequate amounts through the sun and other sources.

The ‘Mushrooms on the Menu’ launch event took place onsite at The Shoreline on Wednesday morning 17 January, featuring an overview of the study, live cooking demonstrations, nutrition talks and insights into the Australian mushroom industry.

At the launch, Chef Adam Moore hosted a live cooking demonstration for Shoreline residents, families and guests, cooking up mushroom brownies and mushrooms on toast.

Executive Chef of Shoreline, Andrew Wright, cooked Mushroom Pinwheels.

Dr Flávia Fayet-Moore (PhD Nutrition) and Lucy Downey from FoodIQ Global, who are leading the study, provided nutritional insights and an overview of the research.

Dr Flávia explained that mushrooms are part of the fungi kingdom with a unique set of nutrients found across different food groups, including vegetables, grains, nuts, and meats, as well as their own unique bioactive compounds that are beneficial for health.

“By including UV-exposed mushrooms in aged care menus, it could boost their vitamin D intake and improve the health and wellbeing of aged care residents,” Dr Flávia explained.

Tammie Breneger, Director of Care at The Shoreline, said they are thrilled to be part of this partnership and

“We’re glad we can offer our 150 residents helpful nutrition solutions to optimise health and wellbeing.

“Eating well is so important and vitamin D deficiency is an issue amongst adults that needs to be addressed, so we’re looking forward to seeing the results of increased vitamin D intake.”


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