Ms Robinson’s 30 years of inspiration and dedication

Mrs Hines, Ms D’Arcy, Ms Robinson, Mrs Rembarz, Mrs Pettersen, Ms Bisley, Mr Wyllie and Mr Slater at the recent Showcase event.

IRRAWANG High teacher Adele Robinson has been recognised for three decades of contribution to the school community.

The school’s annual Showcase event has been highlighting the talents of local performing arts students for 30 years, with Ms Robinson, Irrawang’s Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) Head Teacher and Musical Director, a major part of this journey from the beginning.

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In a surprise presentation at the school’s 2023 Showcase event in early August, Head CAPA Ambassador Travis Lamborn recognised Ms Robinson for her incredible efforts over the years.

“On behalf of the Irrawang High School (IHS) CAPA family, both students and staff, I’d like to take a moment to recognise and celebrate someone very special.

“2023 marks 30 years at Irrawang High School for our guiding force, our pillar of creativity, Head Teacher CAPA, Ms Adele Robinson.

“Not so coincidentally, it also marks 30 years of Showcase!

“For the past 30 years, Ms Robinson has dedicated herself to fostering artistic talent and enriching the lives of countless students, including mine.”

Mr Lamborn described Ms Robinson’s contributions to Irrawang High School as “nothing short of extraordinary”.

“From establishing and leading a national champion Brass Band in the 90s to the establishment and continued leadership of a thriving national champion Drum Corps – she has earned a reputation for excellence, has put IHS on the map and provided a sense of belonging for so many of through these, and many other, CAPA programs over the years.

“Under her guidance, the CAPA faculty has flourished, and Ms Robinson’s commitment to her students’ growth and development is highly respected by both staff and students.

“She provides a safe and nurturing environment for us to explore our creativity and express ourselves through music and the arts.

“Beyond the school walls, Ms Robinson’s impact extends into the Raymond Terrace community and far beyond.

“As her students, we have had the opportunity to engage with numerous communities across Australia, during which we have been provided a platform to showcase our talents and share our passion for performing, instilling in us a sense of confidence and purpose that extends far beyond our school years.

“Ms Robinson’s passion for the arts has been a driving force behind her outstanding leadership.

“She has inspired admiration from her colleagues and remains an unwavering advocate for the importance of arts education.

“Tonight, on our 30th Showcase, we applaud you, Ms Robinson, for your thirty years of dedication, and we look forward to many more years to come.

While Ms Robinson usually likes to stay in the background and let her students shine, this was one occasion where her efforts were front and centre for all to applaud.

“It was a complete surprise to her,” Lue Fagan of Irrawang High School said.

“We are very fortunate to have such an amazing and dedicated teacher.”


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