More JP desks operating weekly across Coffs Harbour

Justice of the Peace Coffs Harbour Group desk coordinator Irene Wells takes one of the shifts at the Harry Bailey Memorial library at Yarrila Place.

ELEVEN Justice of the Peace desks are now operating weekly across Coffs Harbour, up from eight at the end of 2023.

“And still we get requests for more,” Justice of the Peace (JP) Coffs Harbour Group spokesperson Mike Blewitt told News Of The Area.

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The growth directly correlates to the number of qualified JP volunteers who can staff the desks.

“This has made it important to keep our current JPs on board and continually be looking to recruit new ones.”

Group secretary Jill Woodlock and president Terry Tweedie make it their business to recruit and take on referrals.

Masterminding the fortnightly roster spreadsheet are Doug Wigg and Irene Wells.

Getting the word ‘out there’ is a productive way to find new members, according to group members.

With member Ken Capps being an announcer on Coffs Harbour’s local community radio station 2 Air FM, he can weave in JP stories on air.

He recently interviewed president Terry on air in April.

“The feedback was great, and listeners were amazed that our branch handled nearly 11,000 documents last year and that it was completely run by volunteers without government assistance,” said Mike.

All Justice of the Peace Coffs Harbour desks are listed on

“This is a free service where we can list our staffed desks including location, times etc.

“Google also picks up this listing under JP Desks Coffs Harbour.”

Back in 2023 when the City of Coffs Harbour opened the new Harry Bailey Memorial library in Yarrila Place, the group was asked to set up a desk, now operating on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10.30am to 1.30pm.

Secretary Jill takes one of the shifts there and says she has been delighted with the positive feedback from clients.

“In December NOTA ran a story about volunteering for our JP desks and we had a great response, with one resident recently retired going online and registering for training.

“He qualified, and now he’s on a desk in Coffs.”

Shifts are typically two hours once a week, however you can opt to work fortnightly.

Mike loves being a JP, especially for the connection to the community.

“You hear all sorts of stories; as they’re sitting there and we’re processing their paperwork, people feel comfortable to open up and have a chat.

“It’s very rewarding to help people and sometimes just be there to hear them,” he said.

Last year, local JP Rex Glencross-Grant moved to Yamba and now operates a JP desk at the local library.

There are also new desks at Dorrigo and Nambucca Heads Libraries.


Justice of the Peace Coffs Harbour Group member Ken Capps, an announcer on local community radio Station 2 Air FM, interviews President Terry Tweedie on air.

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