More information needed on the fairies of Gloucester Gloucester District by News Of The Area - Modern Media - February 20, 2025 A CBD fairy door THE last census carried out by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) was in 2021, recording details about every person and household in Australia. “The Census is the most comprehensive snapshot of the country and tells the story of how we are changing,” the ABS states. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – “Census data tells us about the economic, social and cultural make-up of the country.” The Bureau of Statistics website contains much information about Gloucester, such as its human population, their marriage and education details, occupations and religious affiliations, but some information is clearly lacking. News Of The Area (NOTA) looked in vain for any details about fairies living in and near the town. The absence of details about fairies is surprising, because anyone wandering down Church Street, or elsewhere near the town, could not have failed to notice fairy doors popping up in many places. Just like humans, it seems apparent that some fairies favour a busy urban lifestyle near the central business district, while others prefer to live in parks or on acreages away from the hustle and bustle of the main street. NOTA came across one fairy door at the base of a tree near the Lions Memorial Pergola leading into Billabong Park from Boundary Street, although as it was daytime no fairy activity could be observed. Perhaps with the next census, which is due in 2026, the Bureau of Statistics might attempt to record fairy numbers and their characteristics in Gloucester, although because they are so shy and retiring, accurate information might be difficult to obtain. However, it would be helpful to know the numbers and types of fairies living in and around Gloucester, be they Listening Fairies, Sensible Fairies, Kindness Fairies or Helpful Fairies. By John WATTS Hoping to chat with the fairies. Photo: supplied. A fairy door in Billabong Park.