More Apprenticeships Needed To Fill Skill Shortages

Local trainee Hayley Clark is learning on the job.


THE numbers of apprentice and trainee completions in the region have plummeted, leaving many businesses in Paterson short-staffed.

According to Member for Paterson Meryl Swanson the number of traineeships and apprenticeships completed have almost halved.

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Ms Swanson said where Labor delivered over a million completed apprenticeships and traineeships in six years, the Liberals have delivered over 500,000.

“Here in Paterson, the local numbers reflect this story, with more than 7,684 completing their apprenticeship and traineeships under the former Labor Government, compared to just 4,297 completions the same time under the Coalition,” said Ms Swanson.

“These numbers reflect a plummet of 44.08 percent of skilled workers across Paterson.”

Swanson has expressed her disappointment and believes that this lack of skills is why businesses are crying out for skilled and qualified workers.

“Every one of the fewer apprentices and trainees completing qualifications is a missed opportunity for the nation, for our young people, and for our businesses.

“The Coalition’s track record on vocational education and TAFE is another example of this Government waiting too long until something is at crisis point to fix.”

Under Labor’s free TAFE policy, Ms Swanson said a Labor Government will tackle the skills crisis, and “fill the crippling skills gap left by the Coalition for those businesses and industries in crisis”.

Meanwhile, Liberal candidate for Paterson Brooke Vitnell told News Of The Area that the Morrison Government has delivered the highest number of Australians in trade apprentices on record with new department program data demonstrating Australian in-training trade apprenticeships reached 217,400 in July 2021, the highest number since records began in 1963.

“I want more opportunities and a secure workforce for our young people and apprentices here.

“I’m backing more work in traditional industries like manufacturing and mining with reliable and affordable energy.

“Projects like Kurri will back them in enabling more workers to get and stay in these jobs.

“I’m backing more work in traditional industries like manufacturing and mining with reliable and affordable energy.

“Projects like Kurri will back them in enabling more workers to get and stay in these jobs.

“Apprenticeship commencements have risen significantly across all states and territories since the Morrison Government’s $3.9 billion Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage support was introduced in October 2020 which has recently been backed in by the $716 million Completing Apprenticeships Commencements wage support.

“This contrasts with the former Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Labor Government that cut incentives to employ apprentices nine times between 2011 and 2013, totalling $1.2 billion.

“National Centre for Vocational Education Research data also shows apprentices and trainees in-training collapsed by 22 per cent, or 111,320 through 2012-13. Departmental evidence provided at Senate Estimates attributed this to the tightening of policy measures to address the widespread transfers of existing workers into traineeships and apprenticeships to gain easy access to government supports.

“It is clear Australia is in the midst of an apprenticeships boom, there has never been as many Australians having a crack at a trade apprenticeship than today,” she said.



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