THERE are heaps of great markets around the Bay just waiting for you to browse and enjoy.

On the first Saturday of every month you can visit the Anna Bay Community Markets from 8.30am-2.30pm at the Gateway Family Presbyterian Church on Gan Gan Rd at Anna Bay.
This family-friendly market boasts a free jumping castle and you can find plants, organic produce, crafts, homewares, clothing and jewellery.
On the third Saturday of each month, head out to Spectrum Church Farmers and Artisans Market is on at Nelson Bay Road, at Anna Bay from 8.30am-12.30pm.
This growing market is vibrant, there’s tea, coffee and organic produce, like honey, macadamias, avocados, free entertainment and tasty treats.
On the third Saturday of the month it’s time to take a trip to Tanilba Bay Markets at the Kooindah Shopping Centre on President Wilson Walk, at Tanilba Bay from 9am to 1pm.
Enjoy entertainment, local produce, bric-a-brac, and crafts.
On the fourth Saturday of the month you can enjoy the Port Stephens Market from 9am at the Port Stephens Church of Christ, Nelson Bay Road, Salt Ash.
This market features craft stalls, flowers, baking, jumping castle and face painting plus a decadent Devonshire Tea.
On the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month take in the Nelson Bay Craft Markets, at Fly Point’s Neil Carroll Park at Nelson Bay.
These fortnightly market days support the families of servicemen and women.
Enjoy food, crafts and wonderfully locally made goods to choose from.
On the second and fourth Sundays of the month visit Tomaree Markets, at the Tomaree Sports Complex, Nelson Bay Road, Salamander Bay.
These community markets feature crafts, food products, designer items, live music and more.