Moffee goes from the Big Banana to Big Ben

Moffee is headed for a week of live broadcasts in London.

TRIPLE M breakfast announcer Michael ‘Moffee’ Moffett will farewell Coffs Harbour on Friday morning 8 September for a week’s live broadcasting in London.

After broadcasting the breakfast show live from the Big Banana, Moffee will be heading to the shadow of Big Ben, beaming his British experiences back to Coffs from The Westminster London hotel.

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“We want to be able to share the magic of London’s culture and history with our listeners in Coffs Harbour for those who can’t travel abroad for whatever reason, and maybe entice others to go over for their holiday of a lifetime,” Moffee told News Of The Area.

Promising to shine a little bit of ‘Moffs Harbour’ onto the streets of London, he added, “I can’t wait to visit places like Buckingham Palace and Green Park, plus I’ve lined up a heap of London buskers to play for us at the end of each show.”

This is the radio host’s second time “live from London”.

“In 2019 when I did the show from there, the biggest local talking point was Brexit, no one had even heard of a thing called Covid,” he said.

“From the other side of the world, it will take less than a second for the broadcast to get back to Coffs Harbour, so while it will be 6-9am in Australia, it will be 9-midnight in London.”

Moffee thanks Windsong Travel, a local travel agent with offices around the Coffs Coast, for supporting the trip.


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